
Upcoming meeting- Dec 20, and some BIG news!

Our annual Holiday Party will be held December 20 at 6:00 at the Clarksville Library in conjunction with our forth meeting in the series, Nutrition and Weaning. We will be having a pot-luck, so please bring a dish to share with the other mamas. Bring a new mama as well. We will also have some great door prizes, including a 1-hour massage, breastfeeding advocacy t-shirts, and more. 

I would also like to announce that after 15 years, LLL of So. IN is making a big move!! LLL is so grateful to the library to have housed us for this long, but we feel a change can only improve our already awesome group! We will start off the new year in a new location. Our 2011 meetings will take place at Floyd Memorial Hospital (FMH) on the third Monday of each month from 6:30-7:45. FMH is located at 1850 State Street, New Albany, IN. We feel this change will help our group grow and expand in several ways. We will be listed in the FMH Health Scope, a health based magazine that lists all the classes the hospital offers, its distribution includes thousands of families. We will also not be limited on time, like at the library. If a mom needs more assistance, one of the leaders can stay after the meeting and work one-on-one with her. We can also have more time after the meetings for the moms to socialize with and support one another, which is a huge part of having a happy, healthy breastfeeding relationship. I will be posting the new schedule on the blog, so please pass it on to any interested or expecting mom. 

I look forward to seeing you at the holiday party, and starting out the new year in a new place for new growth for our group :)

Lisa M-T
LLL Leader

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