
Starting Solids

La Leche League, along with the World Health Organization, recommends that moms exclusively breastfeed for at least the first 6 months (or until baby is showing signs of readiness). By exclusive, we mean that baby should receive no solids or supplementation before then. Breastmilk has all the nourishment a baby needs. The signs of readiness include sitting up by him or herself, gag reflex is diminshed, pincer grasp is established, and showing an interest in solids. However, even after starting solids, La Leche League recommends that moms first nurse baby and then (if the baby is still hungry) offer solids. Until the first year, solids are just supplementing the breastmilk.

Once baby is ready for solids, feel free to offer family foods. Although it is common practice among many to give rice cereal to babies, there is absolutely no need to offer it. Rice cereal has no nutritional value; its popularity is due to it being known as an allergen free food. However, if baby has waited to start solids until six months, it is not necessary to offer rice cereal. A few good foods to begin with are sweet potatoes, cooked carrots, beans, and bananas. La Leche League recommends that moms wait at least three to five days before offering a new food; this way you can see if something is causing baby to have an allergic reaction.

This fantastic article outlines ten reasons to delay solids until at least six months of age.